How to Convert 8SVX files to MP3 in Bulk

Last updated on December 9, 2024 by , Posted to convert audio

converting 8svx to mp3

8SVX is an audio file format that was used on the Commodore Amiga series of computers a while back. It's a subset of the IFF format, which later became the ancestor of the widely used AIFF and WAV formats. As you probably know, the format, which was born in the 90s, isn't anything special. It's just an ordinary 8-bit uncompressed sound. By the way, there is another variation of this format, containing 16-bit sound, called 16SVX. It may have the same extension, so we will test it too.

Normally, I'd give you a list of pros and cons of audio and video formats to show why conversion is necessary. But that won't be the case here. Amiga has been discontinued for a while now, so you can't open these files on a modern computer. Even audio editors and converters don't support this format.

If you really need to listen to this file, Google has a few online converters. Let's start with them.

1 Transcoding from 8SVX to MP3 online

If you don't want to install any software on your PC, you can also use online tools to convert 8SVX files to MP3. However, online tools have many limitations for free conversion. For a one-time conversion, this may be acceptable, but not for continuous use.

The first one that caught my eye was Evano, an online tool that can convert 8SVX files to MP3 for free, 10 per day. In addition, it supports over 40 formats, including files, audio, video, images, documents, archives, and more. According to the description, that's what you need! We take a 8-bit test file from the MPlayer collection and try to convert it to MP3. You can see the result on the screen. The upload failed.

evano 8svx converter

I took a closer look at the site and noticed that the Pricing section only describes the restrictions, but there are no prices listed. The copyright date is 2020, so it seems like the site has been abandoned and is no longer functional.

Convertio is a more popular online service that can convert various types of files, including audio, video, images, documents, archives and more. It supports more than 200 formats, clearly ahead of Evano. There is an option to select advanced settings, convert files from both your computer and Google Drive, Dropbox or URL. Let's try to convert a 16-bit SVX file, you will see the result yourself.

convertio 8svx converter

I tried converting a few more files and the result was similar. I didn't look for another online converter and returned to the good old desktop converter.

2 Converting 8SVX music to MP3 on the desktop

Audio Converter Plus is a proven tool that allows users to convert 8SVX audio to MP3 format. It offers customization options for bit rate, encoder, number of channels, and sample rate, allowing users to tailor the conversion process to their specific requirements. Additionally, it provides batch conversion capabilities, allowing users to process multiple audio files at once. In my opinion, the most important aspect is that it supports both SVX formats without any issues and does not charge a hefty monthly fee.

Download and install this decent 8SVX to MP3 converter from the link below and let's start from the beginning.

desktop 8svx to mp3 converter Step 1 - Add a Batch of 8SVX Files

Launch Audio Converter Plus on your PC and click "Add Files" button or just drag-n-drop a bunch of 8SVX files from your local drive. Keep in mind that files in this format can have .SVX and even .IFF extensions. The converter will allow you to select all compatible variants, and in case of incorrect extension it will simply ignore the file.

Step 2 - Select MP3 as the Output Format

Then click the Output Format drop-down menu at the bottom to open the full list of available encoders. We're currently interested in the MP3 format. In the same way, you can convert 8SVX files to WAV, FLAC, M4A, OGG and any common audio format at will. Moreover, you're allowed to open "Encoder options" window to change MP3 bitrate, sample rate, encoder, channel and volume.

Do not expect high sound quality from 8-bit files, but in case of 16-bit version the quality can be considered acceptable. You can easily find out which format you are dealing with by opening the file properties.

Step 3 - Convert 8SVX Files to MP3 in bulk

You're almost done! Specify an output folder on the bottom. Lastly, hit the orange "Convert" button to batch convert 8SVX files to MP3 rapidly. Despite pre-checking the files, some of them may not be compatible. If errors occur, they will be displayed in the log window.

3 Wrapping it up

I have always been vocal about my negative opinions about online solutions, but many people will most likely convert files online. When it comes to 8SVX, the main problem is the lack of choice when it comes to web services. Maybe these are temporary problems with the services, but none of them managed to cope with the conversion. On the other hand, it is obvious that Audio Converter Plus offers a more flexible and convenient experience. Why not download this handy app for free and see what you think? I'm sure you'll be pleased with it. Thanks for reading!

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