Software Guides

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Sound Recording

How to Download Music from Beatport

Beatport is an online shop for DJs that offers tracks and beats for making your own music. I first came across it while working on one of our products for DJs, tuneXplorer, which estimates the tempo ...

Save Qobuz Music to FLAC using Audio Recorder

Originally launched in 2007 as digital download platform for the French market, in 2013 Quobuz left it home borders, becoming the first CD-quality streaming service in United Kingdom, Germany, the ...

How to hear Line-in through Speakers?

Despite the presence of VU-meter is much easier to control the sound in your ears. When sound is being sent to the Line-In, I can see the Input Level changing in sound recorder, but why I can't ...

How to rip music from any website?

Have you ever found a website that has some great music playing in the background, but you can't get it? Recently I found some rare songs that I want to download to my home computer to record an ...

Multichannel Audio Recording

Audio Logger uses a standard Windows PC to record up to 32 audio channels 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to a standard hard drive. The main problem when recording multiple channels of audio ...

Convert audio formats

How to convert Opus to AAC

Opus format is quite interesting. It is not just one codec, but a set of specialized codecs in one package. When it comes to regular codecs, the same algorithm is used to compress any audio content, ...

How to convert WV to FLAC, AAC and other Formats

I encountered WV files many years ago and my usual Winamp player could not play them, although such support was declared. It was necessary to download an updated plugin for the player before ...

How to import FLAC files to iTunes library

Most people who listen to songs on Apple devices don't need high-resolution sound, but for some people it doesn't matter. No one will argue that the most popular hi-res format today is FLAC. FLAC is ...

DSD Audio Converter for Windows

Both of these formats are familiar to fans of quality audio. The vast majority of audio formats use PCM encoding, while DSD stands apart. If you have already read our article on the differences ...

How to Compress FLAC Audio Files to Smaller Size

Size matters. Free space on your smartphone or computer is always limited and cloud storage is not always able to solve this problem. In addition, the size of the audio file is important when ...

Convert video formats

How to convert video from AVC to HEVC

When you're looking to reduce the size of a video file, HEVC is often seen as a good alternative to AVC. While the new codec has some clear advantages, taking a closer look at the specifics of both ...

Easily Convert HEVC to AV1 format

HEVC (also known as H.265) and AV1 (AOMedia Video 1) are two of the most popular and modern video codecs. The VVC codec could compete with them in terms of video compression efficiency, but it has ...

JPEG successor: AVIF, HEIC or JPEG XL?

For almost three decades, the JPEG format dominated the Internet. In fact, the only alternative was the even older GIF format, whose only feature was support for animation. In the world of ...

How to Convert Your HEIC Images to JPG on Desktop

Took a bunch of awesome photos with your new iPhone 13, but often your friends complain that they can't view them? Don't worry, it's a common problem and there's a long-standing solution. The fact ...

The king of UHD video: AV1 codec vs H.265

With the proliferation of 4K and 8K ultra-high-definition content, a new generation of video compression algorithms is needed to deliver better video quality and lower bandwidth costs. The most ...

Audio Effects

How to Change Pitch without Sounding like a Chipmunk

Back in the day, when Alvin and the Chipmunks hit cinemas, this voice was the bee's knees. If you want to amuse your friends, it's easy to achieve the chipmunk effect, but much more difficult to get ...

How to Create an Acapella From any Song

Creating an a appella version of a song serves a variety of purposes and is sought after by singers, DJs, and musicians for a variety of reasons. Acappella versions are used for vocal and production ...

How to Isolate Vocal from a Song

Any musical composition is made up of many components. The vocals are mixed with the instrumental elements of the song such as drums, guitars and synthesizers. But sometimes the opposite operation ...

How to slice audio into equal parts

When you're working with long audio files, it's common to represent them as one large file. This lets you apply effects and normalize volume in one go, then split the file into separate parts. You ...

How to change the speed of a song in 4 different ways

Sometimes we may need to slow down or speed up a song. This comes in handy when learning new moves in dance class or learning a song on the guitar because the slower speed helps you pick up the ...


Importing KAR files into Ultrastar Deluxe

Karaoke (kar) files are commonly used for singing along to a music track with on-screen lyrics. These files usually have a .kar extension and are different from digitized audio files such as mp3, ...

What is the difference between WAV and MIDI?

Midi is pronounced middy. It means 'Musical instrument Digital Interface'. It is a uniform format accepted by electronic music industry. It is used in instruments that control music and sound such ...

Ultimate solution for converting MIDI to WAV

WAV is an audio file format created by Microsoft that has become the standard PC audio file format for everything from system and game sounds to CD-quality audio. Such files are easily identified by ...

How to burn MIDI to an Audio CD?

As far as I know, no one CD player does not support MIDI files playback, so you can't burn MIDI directly to a CD. Why? Because MIDI is like Sheet music or score. Sheet music isn't music that you can ...

The optimal way to convert MIDI to MP3

If you didn't already know, MIDI files, unlike other audio formats, do not contain digitized audio. Not in any form at all. Most of all, they are similar to a musical score, which indicates which ...


How to convert BAT to EXE properly

Why did I mention cheating in the title of the article? Because almost all converters do not do what you expect them to do. First of all, let's get this straight - who needs these batch files ...

How to compile JavaScript?

Following the adoption of standards HTML5, JavaScript has found a second life. Previously, it used to create visual effects for dynamic HTML pages, but now it has used to create serious ...

How to run batch script without DOS window?

Each batch file is always executed in the console window. Anyone who has seen the console can imagine that it does not look very friendly to modern users. This may cause some inconvenience in your ...

How to create autorun menu for CD/DVD?

Autorun is a standard feature of the Microsoft Windows. The Autorun feature detects when a CD is inserted into the CD-ROM drive and runs an application based on the contents of the autorun.inf ...

How to convert VBS to EXE?

Visual Basic Script is a very popular and powerful language for Windows administrators. Easy access to COM objects makes it suitable for developing full-fledged applications for Windows. But what ...