Sound Recorder Software for Desktop

Using a computer to record sound has become commonplace. Remember the last time you got your cassette recorder? Analog recording has sunk into oblivion. The program for recording sound is included in the set of utilities of any operating system - Windows, MacOS, Android. However, standard recorders are severely limited in capabilities. Microsoft has noticeably improved its voice recorder in Windows 10, but it is still not able to meet the needs of users.

The choice of third-party programs for recording sound is quite extensive. Virtually any recorder has the ability to compress audio in real time, while the choice of audio formats varies from popular MP3 to exotic AMR. It should be noted that each program has its own unique abilities, which can be a decisive factor in the purchase.

You already guess what program will be discussed? Yes, this is our flagship product, i-Sound Recorder. We actively use it for work and for many years compared it with dozens of competing products. In our opinion, it still remains the most balanced solution. And most importantly, it never ceases to improve. Modular architecture allows you to add new features on demand.

The main key to the success of this recorder was ease of use and an intuitive interface. Start, Stop, Pus - we remember these buttons from childhood. In addition to them, on the main window there are Settings, Scheduler and Library buttons. For the initial setup, just open the settings window. Here you can select the source of the recording, the folder for the audio files and the compression format. You can find more information about the sound recording features on the i-Sound home page.

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