MP4 to M4A conversion: how to do it?

Last updated on October 15, 2021 by , Posted to convert audio

change mp4 to m4a

First of all, you should understand that MP4 is not an audio or video compression format, but a media container. It can contain anything - audio, video, subtitles, pictures, metadata. MP4 file with only an audio track can have an M4A extension, but it is not mandatory.

You can have two reasons for converting an MP4 file. The first is to get rid of the video to significantly reduce the file size. It is quite clear, video takes a large part of the file and it is simply wasteful to leave it for you to listen to on your portable equipment. The second reason is to convert the audio track using a different codec. Yes, in most cases an MP4 file will contain the audio track in AAC format and renaming it to M4A will suffice. Problems arise if the audio track is compressed with an exotic codec, such as EVRC or MPEG4 ALS. Not every player will be able to play such a file.

In short, to solve this problem once and for all, you need a converter that supports most audio codecs used in MP4 files. An alternative solution would be to install all-in-one players on every device. In my opinion, the choice is obvious. To convert all files in one go, you need a converter with flexible settings, as parameters of different codecs may not match. Let's try to demonstrate the two conversion options using Audio Converter Plus, which was undeservedly neglected by the reviewers.

1 Download MP4 to M4A Converter

Download Audio Converter Plus from our site:

2 Installation

The installation process is simple and does not require specific knowledge. You can start the converter directly from the installer or do it later by clicking on the product icon on the desktop.

3 Add MP4 Files to the Conversion List

You can add individual files or entire folders with video files using "Add File" or "Add Folder" buttons. If you want the converter to add files from the subfolders, then activate this feature in the program settings. Of course, you can just drag and drop files and folders onto the program window.

4 Select the Destination Folder

Converted files can be placed in a folder with the original file or in any other folder of your choice. The converter allows you to save the original folder structure.

5 Select the Compression Options

Select the M4A format from the list and click Encoder options. Use the "Same as original" option to keep the original MP4 audio compression settings or set your own sample rate and bitrate.

This is the choice I talked about at the beginning of this article. If most of your files contain high quality music, extra conversion is not good for it, so try to keep the original sample rate. If it is not supported by the output format, the converter will select the closest value. For a motley collection of voice recordings, fixed output parameters and an additional volume normalization setting are more suitable.

6 Start Converting

Now you are ready to begin the conversion. Click on the "Convert" button and you can do your own business. At the end of the process, you will see a flashing icon on the taskbar.

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