MP4 is a most popular format for high-quality video promoted by Apple. It supported by all Apple gadgets from iPod to the newest iPad 2 and iPhone 4S. It used by popular video services like YouTube to stream HD video. But it not supported by many audio players and mobile phones. What if all you need is just the audio from a MP4 video?
MP3 is the most popular audio format for most of the digital players including PSP, PS3, Zune, Xbox 360, creative Zen, Archos, Iriver, Blackberry, Samsung, Sonywalkman, HTC, Sansa, Cowon etc. Please note, you can not extract video, still photos or other types of data from MP4 to MP3, only audio files. MP3 is an audio specific format and will not play video or other types of multimedia.
You not need overpriced video conveters to convert MP4 to MP3, Audio Converter Plus support all popular audio formats, but also can extract audio tracks from MP4 video and save it as MP3 file.
If you have already installed programs on your computer, this process will not cause you any problems. The installer will not only install the converter, but also integrate it into the Explorer menu. You can start the program from the Desktop or from the Start menu. After that you will see the main window of the program.
You can add MP4 files to the program window by dragging them from the Explorer window or using the "Add File" and "Add Folder" buttons. If the "Recurse subfolders" option is selected in the program settings, files from the selected folder and all subdirectories will be added.
At the bottom of the main program window you can see the "Output folder" option. Click the "Browse" button to select the output folder where the MP3 files will be placed. In addition, you can use the same folder as the original MP4 video and keep the original directory structure.
After selecting the MP3 encoder from the list of codecs, you can select its mode of operation and bit rate. The most popular mode is VBR, which provides the best quality with the same file size. Changing the sampling rate is not recommended because it reduces the sound quality.
After the start of the conversion, a window will appear displaying the overall progress, progress for the current file and the conversion log. If you wish, you can minimize the program and do other things.
Converting MP4 to MP3 is extremely easy and only takes a few minutes at most to accomplish the task, in any case, you will need conversion software. Most conversion software available for free include toolbars, spyware, adware or other sorts of additional software that could have harmful effects. Therefore, it is good to purchase the MP4 to MP3 converter software from a dealer.