Converting BRSTM and BFSTM audio to MP3

Last updated on September 6, 2024 by , Posted to convert audio

converting brstm and bfstm to mp3

BRSTM file is an audio file format that is mainly used in video games, especially on the Nintendo Wii and GameCube platforms. These files are designed for streaming audio data while playing a game. They contain streaming music and can be played continuously. Specialized software is required to play or convert a BRSTM file. BRSTM files are mainly used in games such as Super Mario Bros., Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Mario Kart Wii, which provide seamless looping background music and sound effects to enhance gameplay without abrupt interruptions.

The BFSTM file format is used to store music streams in some games, including Pikmin 3. It is a direct update of its predecessors, BRSTM and BCSTM, and is therefore very similar to them. They are most commonly found on Nintendo Switch and Wii U.

1 Details about game audio formats

BRSTM files can contain loop points, which are essential for creating seamless loops in game audio, preventing interruptions during gameplay. You can learn more technical aspects by visiting the WiiBrew website.

Curiously, the BFSTM formats for Wii U and Switch are different and there is no way to determine which one you get in advance. If the converter only supports one option, the results will be unpredictable.

Either way, these specialized audio files present a challenge for gamers and kids who want to enjoy their favorite video game soundtracks outside of their gaming consoles. I was skeptical about the audio quality, but it turned out to be on par with the Audio CD.

That's where this guide comes in handy, providing you with an online BRSTM file conversion service and a desktop converter with BRSTM and BFSTM support so you can enjoy your favorite game music on different devices. By the way, you can also convert these files in VLC player, but without batch mode, converting multiple files becomes tedious.

2 Proven way to convert BRSTM to MP3

I used to recommend using an audio recorder to record game sounds, as it's a versatile way that doesn't require any special knowledge of game audio formats. After support for most BRSTM, DFPWM, and 8SVX audio formats was added to Audio Converter Plus, my preferences changed. The converter definitely makes the process faster convenient. To avoid thinking about compatibility with the entire fleet of players and computers, let's choose MP3 as the output format.

bfstm and brstm converter Step 1: Download and install the program for free

You can download the trial version of the converter for free at the link above from the official website. Before you start, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic settings of the program. Choose in advance the folder where the output MP3 files will be saved. After that, configure the resource limitation so that the conversion process does not interfere with your work.

Step 2: Add BRSTM or BFSTM audio files

Let's not waste time and boldly click the “Add Folder” button, select the folder where the game is installed and wait for all the appropriate files to be added to the conversion list. Now you can decide which files you will convert, and which can be removed from the list. I think this approach is more convenient than adding files one by one.

Step 3: Select the output format

Then click open the “Output Format” drop down menu and select “MP3” as the output format. The good news is that the MP3 codec supports 48000Hz sampling rate, so no resampling will be needed. The bad news is that some files have a sampling rate of 32006Hz, which not all resamplers support. Luckily, Audio Converter Plus will successfully cope with this problem.

Step 4: Convert BFSTM to MP3

After adding all audio files and adjusting all settings, you can click the “Convert” button. Batch BRSTM to MP3 conversion is not very CPU-intensive and if the files are not corrupted, the result will be ready very quickly. Both bfstm files and the brstm file have been successfully converted. File sizes have been significantly reduced because MP3 compression is much more efficient.

3 Online method to convert game audio

For online conversion, we will turn to the familiar Convertio service, which is good for single files but too expensive for constant use. I didn't notice that the service supports game formats, but it successfully uploaded a test brstm file. Alas, the Convertio attempt failed.

online brstm converter

A Google search didn't yield much choice for converting BFSTM to MP3, but another service did turn up. The site looks a bit garish, but it's the result that matters. Judging by the description, the service supports both formats we are interested in. We select the desired section of the site and try to upload one file. The result is again disappointing...

online bfstm converter

To check, I used a few more files from both Switch and Wii U, but the result did not change. I fully admit the idea that these are temporary problems on the services and the conversion will be successful on another day, but today I do not have a working online solution.

4 Final words

Overall, the conversion process shouldn't have been a problem, but it turns out that online solutions are quite unreliable and can take you too long to wait for the result. Yes, this is the second time the service returned an error and the whole article came down to a single solution, using desktop software. Anyway, the result is achieved, conversion .brstm to .mp3 is successful and it's time for my kids to rock out to Kirby's Epic Yarn.

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