The APE format is the ideal solution for your audio collection. It provides the best lossless compression, supports audio tags and cue lists. But don't forget about its disadvantages - it does not support live streaming, it is not supported by most portable and car players. We always recommended this format only for storing audio archives, but it gave way to the much more common FLAC format. As for mobile devices, perhaps the best solution is to create copies of the most popular songs in MP3.
In this case, you may encounter incompatibilities between high-quality sound and MP3. Hearing the difference on portable devices is unlikely, but on a software level the differences are more significant. As you know, MP3 only supports mono and stereo files, and the sampling rate is limited to 48000 Hz. In addition, when converting, it will be important to keep the directory structure and audio tags. Regarding tags, it is allowed to use them for MP3 files, but still the native format for MP3 remains ID3, not APETag. Audio Converter Plus will take care of these problems.
1 Download APE to MP3 Converter
Feel free to download the installer from our website. In some cases, Internet Explorer or Edge may warn that "this file is not commonly downloaded and could be dangerous". This happens after uploading a new version of the converter to the site. You can google this warning to see that this is the normal SmartScreen behavior for any program.2 Installation
Run the downloaded file audioconverter.exe to start installation, which is fast and requires no knowledge. After installation, double click on the new icon, you will see the user interface below.

3 Add APE Files To Conversion List
Add the APE audio files from the "File" menu in batches. You can add few files at once or entire folder with APE audio collection. Audio Converter Plus can scan all subdirectories if you wish.
4 Choose the proper output folder
At the right bottom field you can see an Output Folder option. Click the "Browse" button to set an output path, which will be the destination folder of converted MP3 files. Also, you can use the same folder as original APE audio.
5 Set The Compression Options
Select MP3 encoder from dropdown list and click the "Encoder options". Use the "Same as original" choices to keep original audio format. If some files will have sampling rate above 48000 Hz, the program will automatically resample these files. Audio Tags will be converted from APETag format to standard ID3 format.
6 Start Converting
Click the orange "Convert" button, the conversion task will be started immediately.