Audio Formats

WAV File - Wave Audio File Format (*.wav)

WAVE or WAV format is the short form of the Wave Audio File Format (rarely referred to as the audio for Windows). WAV format compatible with Windows, Macintosh or Linux. Despite the fact that the ...

OGG File - OGG Vorbis File Format (*.ogg)

Ogg vorbis format developed by Xiphophorus On this website you can find the source code of the project. It is part of the Ogg, providing a fully open multimedia systems. The ...

AIFF File - Audio Interchange File Format (*.aiff)

AIFF is short for Audio Interchange File Format, which is an audio format initially created by Apple Computer for storing and transmitting high-quality sampled audio data. It supports a variety of ...

VQF File - TwinVQ File Format (*.vqf)

VQF is a new music compression format. Those files are smaller than MP3 files, but they need a little more power to play, and a lot more power to encode. The sound quality of a VQF file is not ...

CUE File - Cue Sheet File Format (*.cue)

.CUE files are a file format that originated with CD writing software such as CDRWin. Back in the days when hard discs and processors were somewhat slower than they are today, it was considered ...